Sunday, October 10, 2010

($) Hey! That's My Dollar...

Sunday morning Rebecca walked to brunch and dropped $1.00 on the way. The group of people behind us shouted out to her and told Rebecca that she had dropped some money. On the way back she was in front of a group of collage kids and she thought it would be a good idea to test to see if an age gap would make a difference. Because, and a high-schooler Rebecca thought that the honestly level could be different. Rebecca was correct in her prediction because when she dropped the dollar, not one of the three collage kids told her that she had dropped money. If Rebecca had social capital throughout the college campus then she probably would have gotten her dollar back.


  1. Nice lab. Do you know the college students saw her drop it?

  2. That was a good idea!! Too bad you lost a dollar!!


  3. I think it's funny how the college kids didn't return the dollar! They must have either felt that it was your loss if you were careless or just didn't notice. If you were friends with them, they would have probably returned it to you. :) Even within UNCSA, people cannot always be trusted!

  4. hahaha this is a very interesting idea and i like how you got the college kids involved and how they acted towards high schoolers

  5. The difference in responsibility with the age gap is the most interesting part of this lab. No wonder people don't trust strangers!
    Sofie Schreiber

  6. omg this is such a cool way to demonstrate/find out about how much social capital someone has on a really small scale, individual level. this is so cool! i wish i thought of this! only, to bad rebecca had to loose a dollar...
    - Ethan S.G.

  7. This was a great way to show the relationship between social capital and trust. They go hand in hand.
